Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Is Healthy Eating Important For Teens?

     Eating healthy. Young kids shudder at that thought, only wanting to stuff their faces with delicious goodies like candies and cookies, wishing that dessert was their only meal. But for teens today eating healthy has become very important. Teens are becoming more conscious of what they put in their bodies. Here are a few reasons why eating healthy is so crucial.
     Eating healthy is very important for teens because we are growing. Our bodies are constantly developing and changing and it is essential that we take care of them during this process.
     Eating healthy can also prevent getting diseases in the future. Some foods can reduce your risk of illnesses such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Citruses, strawberries, papayas, pineapples and kiwis help fight cancer. And green tea reduces heart disease and stroke risk.
     It is also good for teens to start eating healthy now, while we are young. We need to make a habit out of eating healthy that will stick with us for the rest of our lives. It is said to take around 30 days/repetitions to form a habit. Just 30 days of healthy eating and you will have a habit that will help you forever.
     Have you ever noticed that when you forget to eat breakfast (which isn't recommended) you are irritable and groggy until you get some food in your belly? Well eating healthy boosts your energy and stabilizes your mood.
     There are so many reasons that us teens should eat healthy, and it isn't that hard to do! Hopefully our blog will help you become a healthy-eating teen! :)



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